Michael Jerman

Variety Bash Crew Member fundraising for Car 1740 - USS Volvo NCC

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We're back for another go!

In 2024, we're Star Trekkin' across Australia as part of the Variety Vic Bash to make a difference to kids in need!

Along our voyage, we'll be presenting grants and much needed equipment to kids who are sick, disadvantaged or have additional needs. We can't wait to meet the kids who will benefit from your generosity very soon. Donations from legends like you support the work for Variety - the Children's Charity year round, to assist kids who might otherwise go without the vital help they need. 

Join us in our mission to empower young minds and enable them to boldly reach their fullest potential. Donate today and make a difference in shaping the future!

My Achievements

Personal Gift

Received 10 Donations

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My Entries

The Volvo is getting there

Monday 19th Feb
I want to make a big shout out to all the guys at Harrison Automotive in Shelbourne, what a teM of legends for the amount of work they have done to the Volvo, to have it ready for this year's Bash, we can not thank them Enough for what they have and are doing.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Active Railway Signalling P/l


Tenex Rail And Excavations Pty Ltd



best of luck on the adventure


Matt Mcfarlane

Star Trekkin' Across the outback!


Paul Bellinger


Damien Dm

Live long and prosper mate 🖖


Josh King


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