The Bikes

Variety Bikes for Kids


Quality for our kids

Kids deserve the best for safety and self-esteem.

That's what we purchase quality bikes from our supplier Anaconda who provides us with a generous discount, meaning your donation goes further, to make sure kids can enjoy their bikes for years to come.

Built for durability, in time, these bikes can even be passed on to siblings or friends.

Variety Bikes for Kids are selected and assembled with the care we show to kids.


Physical Health

Government health guidelines recommend kids should aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day, including travelling to school and other activities. 55% of kids don't use an active means of transport to get to school and 80% don't meet the daily exercise recommendations, this increases with children living with disadvantage who may not have access to extra curricular activities. Owning a bike encourages exercise and builds healthy habits that can last a lifetime!

Variety Bikes for Kids
Variety Bikes for Kids


Mental Health and Learning

The benefits of owning a bike aren't just physical! Did you know bike riding also increases mental health and learning development particularly for children who would otherwise miss out? Increased activity helps kids in the classroom by increasing concentration and focus.


Emotional Health

Social connection and inclusion are important factors in emotional health. When a family living with disadvantage can't afford equipment like a bike, their kids can feel excluded from friends and classmates. A Variety bike brings fun and happiness to kids in need - sharing special times with friends and family and experiencing the freedom and independence bike riding can bring.

Want to chat?

We're here to answer any questions you have and help you with your kind gift, fundraising and to provide ideas and support to individual and corporate supporters. Please don't hesitate to reach out on (03) 8698 3900 or via email


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