Deanna Jerman

Variety Bash Crew Member fundraising for Car 1740 - USS Volvo NCC

My Total


Car Total


Car Goal


Setting course for Airlie Beach.

First Officer's Log, Stardate 202402.16. 

As we venture forth into the uncharted territories of the Earth's surface, I, Commander Deanna Jerman, along with my intrepid crew, embark on a mission of compassion and goodwill. Our destination: the Variety Vic Bash, a noble endeavour to bring hope to young minds in need.

With the spirit of exploration, we traverse the winding roads of this planet, in our convoy of solidarity and determination. Each member of our crew brings their unique talents to the table, united by a singular purpose: to make a difference in the lives of children in need.

As we journey across the vast landscapes, we encounter expected and unforeseen challenges. Yet, fueled by our unwavering commitment to the cause, we press onward, undeterred by the obstacles that may lie ahead.

In the grand tradition of Starfleet's finest, we exemplify the principles of compassion, empathy, and unity. And so, with hearts as vast as the cosmos and a resolve as unyielding as the stars themselves, we set forth on this noble quest, knowing that our actions today will shape the destinies of tomorrow.

Help us help kids reach their full potential and donate to our voyage today.

End log.

My Achievements

Personal Gift

Received 10 Donations

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Shared Page

Reached Target

Increased Target

My Entries

Driving uniforms

Monday 11th Mar
Before I begin, I want to thank the awesome people at UFOP Starbase 118 RPG that have donated to our fundraiser. I've been with these internet people for over a decade and the generosity from them always blows me away. They're a community of Trek lovers across the world in a play by email game. Again, thank you (Amity crew especially!!) for supporting me.

Now -- USS Volvo wouldn't be much of a Starfleet crew if we didn't have uniforms. 

Part of my role in our road crew is livery design and uniforms. Dad and I can't agree what our favourite show is, but luckily, our eight day drive to Airlie Beach means we can choose whatever uniforms we want on the day.

The uniforms I've ordered for our theme include:
*Original movies uniform (Wrath of Khan onward -- the whole red uniforms)
*Star Trek Picard uniform (seen in the latest ST Picard show, but a nice homage to Voyager's design, so a bit of both worlds)
*Deep Space Nine/TNG movies uniform (the iconic grey shoulder panels)

Our variants aren't full cosplay -- we're going short sleeve, simple shirts and black slacks/jeans to combat the heat we experienced during the 2022 bash. Plus, with all the designs printed directly onto the shirt, we may not have to worry so much about Star Trek paraphernalia accidentally getting left behind out in the middle of Whoop Whoop. Additionally, I do have Star Trek Beyond uniform shirts, which were the test sizes. I also have a DS9 hoodie, which we discovered will probably be too thick for the heat -- nice to have regardless, though.

I am a little disappointed I wasn't able to secure the desert uniform from Enterprise though. Missed opportunity.

Status of the Volvo

Friday 16th Feb
As we were finalising entry forms, our Volvo arrived at our front gate. While I didn't have the foresight to grab my phone and take a snap, I'm proud to say it's back on its four wheels! 

The car has been raised about two inches and now has a single-pipe muffler (rather than a weird dual system it was running). It also now has new fuel injectors -- no more arguing with it to start and pumping the accelerator, it just starts now! When we took it for a quick drive, Michael was thrilled to discover that it handles fantastically. 

Many thanks to Graeme Harrison Automotive in Shelbourne again for the works on the car. Without those boys, this truly would be one massive undertaking to get the Volvo up and running proper again.

Things we still need to do (off the top of my head):
*Re-freshed livery
*Repainting roof-rack
*Electricals to be re-done
*Clearing away all the spider-webs that have made a home in it while it underwent repairs.

More updates to come!

Our mascot: Captain Cosmo

Friday 16th Feb
In the back of our vessel will sit Provisional-Captain Cosmo, set to be our faithful mascot and deck officer.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Commander Wil Ukinix

“Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named Volvo.”


Bec Iko

We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.


Kaito Moore

Oh Oh Oh Can I Be Your Tactical Officer! I would be a good one!

