Leave a Gift in Your Will
Once you have provided for loved ones, a gift left in your Will to Variety can make a real difference to kids in need.

Thank you for your interest in leaving a gift in your Will to support kids in need.
Your Will is a lasting gift to your loved ones and to the next generation. Making a Will is a very personal matter. After you have provided for your loved ones, you may consider including Variety Victoria as a beneficiary.
A bequest to Variety Victoria in your Will is a special and powerful way to support a cause that is important to you and to the community. If you choose to leave a gift to Variety Victoria, you can be assured that any amount - large or small - will make a valuable difference to kids living within disability, illness, or experiencing disadvantage.
A few words in your Will can support all children - regardless of their abilities, illnesses, or circumstances - to be included, able to participate, and empowered to reach their full potential.
Some of the ways your gift will help
- Provide life changing equipment and programs to empower children and to help them overcome obstacles.
- Allow kids to gain mobility, to get out and about in the community, to communicate, participate, achieve independence and increase self-esteem.
- Provide practical assistance, such as wheelchairs, insulin pumps, communication devices, and all-abilities playgrounds, benefiting children, schools and organisations.
- Provide accessible buses and coaches to schools that cater to children living with disability, so that children can get to and from school and teachers can focus their time and specialist skills helping and supporting kids.
- Support children and young people through the Variety Leadership Program, including workshops designed to develop key skills and tools in storytelling, public speaking, social media, video, marketing and promotion.
- Engage young people in positive discussions about diversity, inclusion and social cohesion, improving awareness, increasing knowledge and strengthening acceptance through empathy and understanding.

Leave a lasting legacy
Jeffery White's enduring dedication to Variety - the Children's Charity of Victoria left an indelible mark on countless lives. Each year Jeffery was one of the first to book a table at our annual Variety AFL Grand Final Lunch and his annual presence spoke volumes about his commitment to supporting kids in need.
Following his passing, his partner and Will executor approached Variety to honour Jeffery's legacy. Together, they orchestrated a remarkable gift from his estate to secure a permanent home for Variety Victoria, now known as The Jeffery White House in Port Melbourne. We welcome anyone to come and visit us at our HQ!
This generous contribution also established the annual Jeffery White Grant, with the inaugural grant funding a Liberty Wheelchair Swing for the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Jeffery's legacy continues to illuminate the path toward a brighter, more inclusive future for children across Victoria.
How to include a gift in your Will
Every gift, large or small is deeply appreciated and helps us achieve our vision.
Gifts left to charities in Wills come in all different shapes and sizes and giving a gift in your Will is not just for wealthy people – it is for anybody thinking about doing something powerful, special and lasting.
Making or updating a Will is simple. The best way to arrange leaving a gift to Variety Victoria is to speak with a solicitor. They can ensure your estate is distributed in a way that meets your wishes. How you choose to leave a bequest depends on your personal preference and circumstances.
Please make sure that they include our correct legal name (Variety – the Children’s Charity of Victoria), address (H71, 63-85 Turner Street, Port Melbourne, VIC, 3207 or P.O. Box 1076, South Melbourne, VIC, 3205, Australia) and ABN (80145257414).
Suggested wording for your Will
To make a bequest to Variety Victoria, we suggest the following wording for consideration by your legal advisor:
“I give and bequeath (a percentage of my estate) or (specified sum) or (all my rights, title and interest in [description of specific land or property at……]) free of all duties and deductions, for the general purposes of Variety – the Children’s Charity of Victoria (ABN 80145257414) of H71, 63-85 Turner Street, Port Melbourne, VIC, 3207 Australia. I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of Variety – The Children’s Charity of Victoria shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).”
We believe it is an important step to talk to family and loved ones about your Will. Communication will ensure that decisions that are important to you are understood by family members, executors and guardians.
Important information for solicitors and executors
Important Information
When drafting a Will that includes a gift to Variety Victoria, please include the following details:
Legal Name: Variety – the Children’s Charity of Victoria
ABN: 80145257414
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1076, South Melbourne, VIC 3205 Australia
Street Address: H71, 63-85 Turner Street, Port Melbourne, VIC, 3207
Sending Information to Variety Victoria:
Information can be sent via email to info@varietyvic.org.au or posted to the above address.
Information required when processing an estate:
If you are administering an estate which includes a gift to Variety Victoria, please notify our office as early as possible with the following:
- Deceased full name and last address
- Date of death
- Grant of Probate or a copy of the final Will
In addition to the above and depending on the type of gift being left to Variety Victoria, we may require additional information (e.g. statement of assets and liabilities) or request that the gift be provided to Variety Victoria in a certain way (e.g. the transfer of any shares, in-specie).
Updating an existing Will
If you already have a Will, a cost-effective way to include a gift to Variety Victoria is by a short legal amendment, or adding a codicil, to your Will. Please check with your solicitor to see if a codicil is appropriate for the changes you wish to make.
Already left us a gift in your Will?
If you have chosen to support Variety Victoria in this very generous and personal way, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your thoughtfulness, foresight and generosity. We would be delighted to hear from you so that we can thank you personally and give you a choice about how we might recognise and communicate with you. Though you can be assured of confidentiality, you are not obliged to inform us of any gifts that you leave to us in your Will.

Types of gifts
Residuary Legacy
You can leave the remainder of your estate to Variety Victoria after all debts, expenses, and specific gifts are settled. It's the simplest and most effective way to support us.
Percentage Gift
You can leave a percentage of your estate to Variety Victoria. This ensures your gift remains unaffected by inflation or changes in the estate's value, providing lasting support.
Specific Amount
You can leave a specific sum of money to Variety Victoria.
Specific Item
You can leave specific items of value to Variety Victoria, such as shares or real estate.
Whole of Estate
You can leave your entire estate to Variety Victoria.
Plan your Will with our trusted partners
We recommend seeking professional legal advice when creating or updating your Will. Before meeting with your solicitor or legal adviser, ensure you have prepared your personal documents and finances.
Choosing your Executors is a crucial step. They will be responsible for administering your Will and ensuring your wishes are carried out as intended. You can appoint one or more executors.
If you’re ready to draft your Will, consider these convenient online Will-writing platforms that have partnered with Variety Victoria:
Gathered Here provides our supporters with legally binding Wills and updates for life, at no cost. Creating a Will with Gathered Here is straightforward and can be completed in less than 10-minutes, from the comfort of your home. Having an up-to-date Will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family.
Get In Touch
To discuss any queries about leaving a bequest to Variety Victoria, please speak to our Philanthropy Executive, Estelle Jullien.
p | 03 8698 3905
e | estelle.jullien@varietyvic.org.au