Community Grants
We provide grants to Victorian schools and organisations for the purchase of equipment that will promote all-access and inclusivity in the community.

Who is eligible?
You can apply for a community grant if your school or organisation is based and operating in Victoria, not a private school or business, and directly serves children under 18 in areas like disability and/or chronic illness, financial disadvantage, or geographic isolation. If you've received a Variety Community Grant in the past, you can apply for another one two years after the date listed on your original successful outcome letter.
What can I apply for?
Applicants can request one or more items, all of which must directly benefit children in line with the eligibility criteria stated above.
Grant requests can encompass a variety of items, including but not limited to supplies like decodable readers and musical instruments, equipment such as inclusive play equipment and sensory rooms, as well as technology like iPads, smart boards, and hearing loops.
The primary focus is to enhance the wellbeing and educational experience of children, so requests must align with these objectives.

What won't be funded?
- Expenses that have already been initiated or have already occurred prior to submission or written approval
- Incomplete application forms
- Equipment from non-Australian distributors that cannot be invoiced directly to Variety or services outside Australia
- Capital works
- Installation costs
- Wages, training and seminars
- Research
- Insurance, service or maintenance costs
- Programs
How does it work?

Applications are submitted through an online form and must meet eligibility criteria and provide all relevant documentation as outlined in the Community Grant guidelines.

Applications are reviewed by the Kids Support department, and eligible submissions are assessed by the Kids Support Grants Committee. Approved applications are submitted to the Variety Board for ratification.

Outcome letters are emailed to applicants within 10 weeks of each grant round closing. Successful applicants have 18 months from the date on their outcome letter to action their Community Grant.
Please note that grant applications are now open year-round and will be reviewed quarterly.