Helping Kids In Need

By Tory's Big Chop for Kar 8

I'm Chopping My Hair for Kids in Need

I'm making a difference to kids in need for Variety - the Children's Charity 

I'd love you to help out if you can! 

I'm doing a joint fundraiser by donating my hair to create a wig with Hair With Heart through Variety the Children's Charity, as well for the wider community of the Variety Children's network with all funds raised going to the fundraising for my father's bash car "Kar 8 - The Karate Kids".

As a lot of you will know, my long hair is a big part of my identity and chopping it isn't something I've decided to do without a lot of thought. But working in the healthcare industry in particular now, I've come to realise how many kids are disadvantaged by their health circumstances to not have the same ability to have long hair as I do. So I've decided to chop it off and donate it, to help create a wig to change the life of one of these children. 

Variety - the Children's Charity help kids who are experiencing disadvantage, disability or illness by providing tangible equipment and programs. In my case, my hair will be donated to Hair With Kids, and all funds will be going towards Variety to assist other disadvantaged children's needs.

Variety provides support to families and organisations through grants for a range of equipment, such as wheelchairs or all-abilities playgrounds to provide practical help to kids, schools and organisations in need. They run programs to educate and empower kids that are falling through the cracks, such as the Variety SHINE Program helping kids keep up in the classroom. They give scholarships to encourage the talents of kids living with disadvantage or disability. And last but certainly not least, they hold kids’ events to bring joy, light and laughter to children in need and their families.

You can help me make a difference to kids in need!

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible and you'll receive an instant tax receipt from Variety - the Children's Charity.

Thank you so much for your kindness!

My Achievements

Signed Up

Received 1st Donation

Self Donated

Received 10 Donations

Shared Page

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors



Good luck hope you reach your goal


Jack Swanton

Outstanding Torz!


Wendy & Brett

Impressive work Tory!!




Squizzy Taylor

Nice one, Tory. Hope you’ve got a scarf sorted for the next few months too.



Great Sempai Tory!



Very proud of our girl both donating her hair and fundraising at the same time for Variety Kids in need


Paul Garth

Well done Sempai! A great sacrifice for such a great cause.


Dave Fraser

Great work Torz


Russell Eicke


Sarah Swanton

Awesome work Tori xx


David Hobbs




Nice one Tory!



What a wonderful gift to give. 🥰


Alexandra Battistin

You’re amazing Sempai Tory! Love that you’re doing this ❤️


James And Kaitlyn ??

❤️ Kaitlyn and James


The Flinstones

Great effort Tori!! You go girl Love from the flinstones